Retro recaps, the Home Run Derby, the All-Star lineups, fluffing Ozuna, not laying off Trump, a lawless judge, and J.D. frickin' Vance
A new Royals reliever, Nike says no to special uniforms, Doubleday, the Trump shooting, Project 2025, Dr. Ruth, Richard Simmons, and Shannen Doherty
The Derby, the logistics of Sacramento, Sean Burroughs, a Biden vibe check, Living Menos, what 129 degrees feels like, and Shelley Duvall
Franco restricted, a baseball card heist, New Era caps suck, more cancer, mourning a climate denier, more King Lear, Deadpool, and Euro 2024
Rainouts, the history of the box score, America's King Lear, more on Alice Munro and New York trash, cockroaches in coffee, Ohio, Oklahoma, and "A Fistful of Dollars"
Raúl Mondesi's crimes, a minor trade, glove repair, Fotomats, Alice Munro, why the fascists aren't conservatives, and revolutionary garbage bins
Praising José Miranda and Ben Rice, shaking my head at Colten Brewer, baseball microfiction, the French send the fascists a message, Costner, and HBO
Recaps, a nut shot, the UK election, more Kamala Harris pondering, and the DooDah Parade
All-Star starters, a trade, bad shoes, bad jerseys, bad omens, Joe Biden, and The Musings of a Would-Be Expatriate
A DFA, other baseball clocks, AI dystopia, my disappointment with Biden, the New York Times' denial, and how my escape-from-America plan has been complicated
Serious allegations against a broadcaster and the protracted death of American democracy. You know, the usual.
New Derby rules, the Phillies lose a couple of sluggers, Oakland, Field of Dreams bourbon, Orlando Cepeda, Martin Mull, and two VERY bad Supreme Court decisions