All-Stars, soft umpires, Missouri makes a move, Eric Kay, Dr. Neal ElAttrache, nepo babies, RFK Jr.'s emus, and human decomposition
All-Star coaches and umps, the Jerk Store, Today in Baseball History, more canned poop, reaping and sowing, crazy pills, and A.I. Michaels
Vlad has a change of heart, a trade, a can of poop, gobbling up the minors, Jesse Winker, Bright Eyes, the New York Times, Jamiroquai, Rosa Parks, and beans
All-Star voting, a suspension, some injuries, Olympic softball, a match made in heaven, Marriott, unnecessary prequels, rawdogging, maps, and royal horses
Max is back, a new kind of walkoff, a contract extension, a PED suspension, the family group chat, asteroid war games, grocery gouging, and why writers write
Rickwood Field, Reggie Jackson, a busy but mostly bad day for the Yankees, an unlikely contract killer, a guest post and the passing of Donald Sutherland
Gerrit Cole returns, the new Greatest Living Ballplayer, phrenology, George Washington's berries, the Pringles can pooper, and why we climb mountains
A legend passes
Turner returns, the Mets hit parade, Jeter's castle, an ax-wielding amateur, the perils of social media, and my last full day in the UK
Dodgers injuries, another gambling scandal, the end of the road for a noted slugger, season ticket shenanigans, nostalgia, and more England stuff
Hanging around Manchester, being confused by the scoreboard, and other odds and ends
Travel talk and some bits and bobs