Cup of Coffee: April 9, 2024

A comeback, a contract extension, when mom and dad fight, and AI companies are pirates but we may get a holy war and wooly mammoths out of them.

Good morning!

Normally my day is like this:

Cartoon of a man looking out a window on a sunny day. The Sun says "Come outside Craig!" The man says "no!" slams the window shut and in the final panel is seen mindlessly slamming the keys on the computer

But not yesterday! I went outside and stuff becuase of the eclipse.

Did you enjoy the eclipse yesterday? We did. It was pretty trippy. There were three highlights:

  • The AT&T workers who have been down a manhole in front of my house working on landline cables for three days came out, sat on their truck and watched it with us;

  • Having lived near downtown traffic for most of the past year has sort of inured me to that noise, but a couple of minutes before maximum eclipse action it got really quiet and then, a couple minutes after, you could hear the city start back up again; and

  • My daughter Anna was up in Burlington, Vermont, in the middle of the totality. When it went fully black there she took some video. In the video you can hear her telling everyone around her, “it’s OK, you can take your glasses off now” but no one believes her because, I presume, they have become super familiar with Anna’s particular brand of bullshit over the past two years. You reap what you sow, I suppose.

Anyway: I give the total eclipse five obstructed stars out of five. Would eclipse again.

Now let’s get to work.

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